Naush is a Certifed Personal Trainer and a Pre- & Postnatal Fitness Specialist. She is the founder of Naushfit. Naushfit offers Online Coaching Programs for Moms and New Moms (pregnant & postpartum) to help improve their strength, stamina and confidence at any stage of their lives.
Naushfit was founded with a strong desire to encourage mothers to change their lives in the simplest way possible – through “movement”. Too often moms get focused on their jobs, raising a family, household chores and everything in between with little to no time for themselves. It’s important that we prioritize ourselves and take the time to strengthen our bodies as it has a tremendous positive impact on our daily lives!
That’s where Naush stepped in. For her, fitness is more than just losing weight. She strongly believes it helps achieve mental resilience along with an increased amount of strength and stamina to live a fuller life! Her approach involves picking up positive health habits and improving your overall mindset — all while living your life! Her coaching program gives mothers the tools to heal, harness their inner mama strength, and simplify nourishing themselves.