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Home » Nadia Malik, BScN RN IBCLC

Nadia Malik, BScN RN IBCLC

Nadia, a Registered Nurse (RN) and an International Board-Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC), specializes in maternal and infant health. Nadia graduated from McMaster University with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BScN) degree. With over two decades of experience in community and clinical settings, she offers compassionate, non-judgemental, culturally sensitive care, focusing on the mother-baby dyad’s physical and emotional well-being. She combines family-centered care with evidence-based education and counseling to help empower parents make informed decisions about infant feeding goals.

Nadia’s passion lies in breastfeeding support, addressing personal and technical challenges new mothers often face when learning to breastfeed. As a mother of four, Nadia blends professional knowledge with personal insight, making her an invaluable asset to families seeking breastfeeding support. Nadia founded Feeding with Love, providing practical counseling on breastfeeding issues like position and latch, sore nipples, engorgement, blocked milk ducts, breast milk supply issues and expressing and storing breast milk. She advocates for breastfeeding as a way to foster lifelong benefits for the family, offering guidance, reassurance, and support.

If you’re seeking assistance during your breastfeeding journey, contact at Nadia is here to help you achieve your infant feeding goals.