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Join us for an evening of education, connection and empowerment with inspirational women from the community.
Gerda Hayden – Licensed Physiotherapist who has served for over 18 years will be talking about pregnancy related pelvic girdle pain: the myth, the preconceived notions about this condition and what pain science is now telling us, as well as treatment approaches and strategies.
Read more: Birth Matters SeminarFatima Kazi – MD (UAE) and Practitioner of Classical Homeopathic Medicine will be talking about Homeopathic Medicine for Health Issues during Pregnancy. She will be talking about the safe and effective use of Homeopathy for pregnancy-related health issues like nausea & vomiting, heartburn, irritable bowels, haemorrhoids, constipation, back pain, UTI’s, vaginal infections, ligament pain, sciatica, insomnia and more.
Dr. Ailya Patel – MBBS (India), ND, IBCLC will speak on the pivotal first week in a breastfeeding journey. She will delve into the essential role this early period plays in establishing a solid foundation for mother-baby bonding and developing effective nursing techniques. Discover how expert guidance and emotional support during these crucial days can lead to a smoother, more fulfilling breastfeeding experience for both mother and child.
Hebaa Rizeq – Doula & Pre/Postnatal Fitness Coach will be talking about PPD/PPMD/PPA and how simple exercise during the first few weeks of postpartum can be beneficial. She will also be discussing red flags and common myths:
• When to seek professional help
• PPMD or baby blues?
• Starting Exercise
• Demonstrations for every day exercises (breathing, posture, techniques for every day lifting)
• Diastasis recti; what is it, why does it happen, how to treat it